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Viewing the Autumn Foliage in Japan

One of the most popular autumn events is the changing of the leaves.
In Japan, the mountains turn colorful and beautiful in the latter half of October and around November.
Many Japanese people go to autumn foliage viewing spots to appreciate them.
Kyoto in particular attracts many visitors because of its many old buildings and beautiful scenery. Therefore, Kyoto is crowded with many people in autumn.
Here are some typical autumn foliage spots by area.

kanto -

Kanto Area

AL9nZEUEyRiizL0iceGaUteTzFGednOY p Wm UxOJLwgmfXoFFtDcLNP0Rj58Yg bwRk4 GLCH9mugdI7AlfSnbDhxQ79H6LwGdcT 1pRbr3URLJGiNlKF8UycHkQyq1URSYA97uNP H Wj51N11sQv G5Cw2048 h1365 no -

Takao mountain 高尾山

Enjoy the autumn foliage in the closest natural oasis to central Tokyo.

AL9nZEXMGEkbkm38zyOva1Ffi5ZqfxUl44IwPUKPFVcsPHw47ZO5d F5JgVIpALSthsWNXYa1DW8bHXqeRJMH2yTvDJcQyRz9YGpH2XoOgE8FKwbtp3Gfo zlThGGJV5JPsiGRyzlsQBJWzY941znYh3KV Tw800 h533 no -

Rokugien 六義園

A spot in Tokyo. The maple trees in color in the Daimyo Garden are magnificent.

AL9nZEVuOhZKXrCev RRLYvYOHt UU6l1Lt5Cdj xZ1beDrXEYwPeBfhCvIQId5lI9f7WlajNoP4UrPKQCuNEgxQbcT0x5otQuBVRLk0xtOV3f54B5l7Ve86Lg fXWGAjLmLq PZP8d0LmpBTNHBHJ8GQQPpw2048 h1357 no -

Tsukuba mountain 筑波山

It is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan with a panoramic view of the Kanto Plain.

AL9nZEV9zcsq167uVHGEHRUPGZiMMvJzD1UPIsoio3wyR4aJS4VA9uHTywOJ4Cm yOBK2LRZRBybHo5X1ylMPP7st4eGFrXQFwCNu7NPRDW80G06F0MLBYLJ1 K0z4p36Gkx4HjzwXUz4f1 7VnaHSFqkerBw644 h398 no -

Tanigawa 谷川岳

A variety of foliage scenery can be seen on the mountain, on the rocks, and on the ropeway.

kyoto -


AL9nZEV89B792vdcaPFYq9iNtugxe4SHTaLOeUZ1M CaJPsZHWLKDf5OfzuQloqFa8oHm0TANV4Tx01qzbJVz d7qmGRwNsyagkZ6zV CDVQXeCIDtaTJMmR0FeAQaY8ehv3PJjJxkAs fbqQl2fGFAuJtYdw1400 h933 no -

Kiyomizu temple 清水寺

Kyoto is the place to be! The harmony of the gorgeous maple trees and the stage of Kiyomizu is magnificent!

AL9nZEWAP1abM 3B4ahqacDsPZzQvhB0hZ2 44iXJ7I0RAFxI4aK4okJarmqJ3cjksU86wPdHL04lRZVWVv5q9AaiO2fHTWCbVkBc2nTkyN7kmR1PBe79muWvnv381MVmgMiEKnOBM5Q1N1VAvkLw n4v1R7w615 h410 no -

Kifune Shrine 貴船神社

God of water, also revered as a god of marriage.

AL9nZEXJ3HwiYnz9j74WOPTRVO6maZENIaIYOWm51JfF24TVcXMBz4Y2pu KJZLyVQfYScua H6 0m1NuvgPYIjHL2ZdZMKO2zCH 9qyvje6ID11tNaXXUFFirqfY06UFkiRc01hlOqPr3tsomC9EKX7yTs9w800 h600 no -

Kitano Tenmangu 北野天満宮

The autumn leaves are reflected on the surface of the river that runs through here, creating a beautiful autumn scene.

AL9nZEXzh8V BvqLf3 j5mt8ufcNuR0wSWRmMDEwbEEZhkpzTz XirSODodoPlmvPinrZJ4HqypmcfG0tHPPWaxK9jWvcIdg5mCE3tTswn PuL9CMZh7GDuL3YKlFTJd1dlPiqyM8D68 TPwZQ7D BCp6kcyw535 h357 no -

Shimogamo Shrine 下鴨神社

It is the oldest shrine in Kyoto that protects the Heian-kyo Capital.

tokai -

Tokai Area

AL9nZEVfvahtR mEU1DsOQxgJEYFQZ3bnPNfHFv078q0AKYX8Si1urVPWnDDp2C3wJDVBoTuYyf1Q zats64f42XotAdKB teuLYZvdZQ1Wgt7QEsotXqKUpaL9yY1NBtUN7CKCxwF3BuEUSrWi25rvj9TCFw1200 h900 no -

Kourankei 香嵐渓

The entire mountain is covered with approximately 4,000 maple trees, turning the surface of the water red.

AL9nZEXG7TG 2LENMWgZXAUrTdRZu4M5ESYRtuMjrgFX5Ah2gzQMlxrPdKsuPAFc1mWCyj8GhzPkErmBhKQOTf2SalvmhLNijPpnkDF72iyRnEMCmN34LIO1vyPfE 8BDC 06cQDu JaT8uDy LJ MW 28l9w720 h539 no -

Sumatakyou 寸又峡

Thrilling suspension bridge over a spectacular canyon。The contrast between the emerald green surface of the lake and the coloring of the valley is stunning.

koushinetsu -

Koushinetsu area

AL9nZEX93tgbthACXadtGzUKT218BHlRMggRjduwozIJk7nXHy8 9f2G2h1vXzTU6fApZW6aJMyqQtep2mwOvxwb09iXS7cIOLgXMusri7p7XFvZVOezlse Ugi0KM6SaHu0J gu jZtvDu5q36pWLauIeb3w1024 h768 no -

Kamikouchi 上高地

A spectacular view point of autumn foliage that should be visited at least once. Due to nature conservation, access by private car is not permitted.

AL9nZEXD71sYMCUmGkTF4fKNMyGGqJ oUjvknBjzBnrAoNhYnPJMl9ePTaJRNmTZtk0USwr02BOwAWSD NfH7hyBUXMmp0gV8QWUgfbFMlCyJXh5fTZVBSqsREXbq58vw7yuh8X3rIwYpiA2xafnXmM fTDOw800 h533 no -

Lake Motosu 本栖湖

A great photo spot, even depicted on the 1,000-yen bill.The combination of the colors of the lake surface, the red of the autumn leaves, and Mt.

hokuriku -

Hokuriku Area

AL9nZEWBconn DRD 7GAEAUuYViKrZeiq 3t2YTRN9uuiVxYxCrCF6TzHUslQe46bDAzo82EL xQI4MBNOlYresN1pJM W5nNlNprgKZqhobF6rvdNAJknIUpm LSBVcPpQzsRjlUjBd6littQAFaiiSkzxtw881 h592 no -

Kurobe Gorge 黒部峡谷

A trolley train runs through the red and yellow colored natural forest in the deep valley of Kurobe Gorge.

AL9nZEU1HBA 5TVKuSmQj5FIXs ji2Y3DNUw0fJnihblmcVcpGYBQlSBpSgMKss343FrtqCDE EaB9jW 5GUtzB 766IREQqvthHclnjZlRHghScywTjI9UkhCIZqfOb2sREkVzgcwUxsaEFA1ZU59UAwK6zw640 h426 no -

Kenrokuen 兼六園

It is one of the three most famous gardens in Japan. It is one of the three most famous gardens in Japan and one of the most representative gardens of the Edo period.
The view of the autumn foliage, full of grace, boldness, and grandeur, is nothing short of spectacular.

touhoku -

Tohoku Area

AL9nZEXVeBkd2tKEs DVtssBXZnMrg4a KEvK3pq5ieWfIT1SzF8PDvwL2SetCp8Ok6wCbSz56lKSu96Rect5M1gaFXqIT2lZwSC5NIX5HyMIld0SRb4bYFkccsxg0lPHN2Nr6ENmPA1LNQeFCgns37T4p1qw1000 h664 no -

Mt. Hakkouda 八甲田山

Enjoy the autumn leaves below from the ropeway overlooking the Tsugaru Plain.

AL9nZEUCFMui FMgRzr9A3ieirCvZJGmkxs1sa0VnOCgzwXPd7x9EAtVKeNp0CGiFtcwMV364E0YmOPXCgK Rn7dMUBmBZwpfCNMh35MpTtzlkQMfNlk9SzYMoc3V4smnL6qxINb IM3wtBvt27RpkYJB5g2w720 h479 no -

Tsutanuma 蔦沼

An unforgettable view once seen. Tsuta-numa is located in Okuse, Towada City, Aomori Prefecture.

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