Embark on a journey through the heartwarming world of Japanese...
When cooking Japanese food, the term Otoshibuta "to put a...
Osaka is probably the most famous city in Japan besides...
Introducing local food in Tokyo.Some of them are traditional dishes,...
When foreigners come to Japan, there is one Japanese dish...
Often we eat bento for lunch in Japan. Many people,...
Miso soup is one of the standard dishes that are...
Japan has its own unique way of making curry, and...
Speaking of Japan, delicious Japanese food Japan's food culture is...
Udon is a noodle dish that has been a part...
What is Yakitori? Yakitori is a casual Japanese dish consisting...
Rice is one of the staples of the Japanese diet...
Ramen is one of the most popular Japanese foods.If you...
Miso soup is one of the standard dishes that are...
Mochi is steamed rice called "glutinous rice" and beaten to...
Onigiri is an ancient Japanese food that is wrapped in...
Japanese tea, which has been around for a long time...
Grilled seaweed is used in various dishes in Japan.In addition...
Japanese Tamagoyaki is one of the informal home-cooked dishes in...