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The acceptance of foreign tourists has been greatly eased.

Japan has greatly eased its admission of foreign tourists since June 10.
Up to 20,000 people per day will be accepted into Japan.
The quarantine system at airports has also been eased, making it easier to come to Japan.
Those returning or entering from low-risk countries with novel coronavirus infection are exempt from PCR testing and voluntary waiting upon entry, regardless of whether or not they have been vaccinated.

“I was surprised that the quarantine was over so quickly. I thought that the daily routine is gradually returning.”
“The inspection, which used to take more than two hours, was smooth today. I think it has become more convenient.”

These are some of the voices heard at the airport.

Please refer to the Q&A and website published by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


There are also strict rules unique to Japan.

However, as is typical in Japan, there are also strict rules.
For example
Only package tour participants are allowed to travel to Japan.
Medical insurance must be purchased.
Masks must be worn in all public places, including outdoors.

We hope you enjoy your trip to Japan!

Compared to the rest of the world, Japan still has strict infection control rules. However, these rules will be relaxed little by little.
So get ready to travel to Japan for a day when it will be easier to travel there than it is now!