Ingredients: Noodles (wheat flour, salt, vegetable protein, reduced syrup), soup [pork extract, pork fat, salt, sugar (sugar and glucose), powdered fat, vegetable powder, powdered soy sauce, vegetable oil and fat, roasted sesame, protein hydrolysate, ground sesame, green onion, spices, yeast extract, chicken oil], seasoning (amino acid, etc.), sake spirit, kansui, gardenia color, pH adjuster, caramel color, flavoring, antioxidant (vitamin E) Seasoning (amino acid, etc.), Sake Seed, Gardenia Color, pH adjuster, Caramel Color, Flavor, Antioxidant (Vitamin E) (Some ingredients include dairy ingredients, soybeans, gelatin)
Ingredient analysis table (per serving (97g))
Calories: 371 kcal
Protein: 13.6g
Fat: 9.6g
Carbohydrates: 57.5g
Sodium: 2.2g (0.5g for noodles and kayaku, 1.7g for soup)
Salt equivalent: 5.6g